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Coin ranking

The Coin Ranking is where coins become stars, and their placement in the ranking is the result of votes cast by registered users.


How It Works:

1. Rate Coins: If you are a coin owner or have knowledge about a coin, please rate it! Share your opinion on its historical value, artistic craftsmanship, or rarity.

2. Minimum Number of Votes: To qualify for the ranking, each coin must receive a minimum of 5 votes. This ensures that our ranking is fair and based on a wide range of opinions.

3. Average Rating: Coins are ranked based on the average rating they receive from users. This means that the ranking is dominated by those coins that have earned the most recognition within the community.

4. Reviews and Comments: In addition to ratings, we encourage you to add reviews and comments. It's an excellent way to share your knowledge and experiences with other numismatic enthusiasts.

5. Ranking Updates: Our ranking is regularly updated to include new coins and changes in ratings. This ensures that you will always find the latest information here.


Discover numismatic treasures and learn more about coins that are highly regarded. Our Coin Ranking tab is a place where every coin has a chance to shine and gain recognition within the community.


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